TUSCALOOSA, AL – June 28, 2022 – Heat-related illness is the #1 cause of weather-related fatalities in the U.S. This is associated with higher temperatures and more frequent heat waves from climate change. People are susceptible to heat-related illness when core temperatures rise to 106 degrees. University of Michigan Public Health Professor Marie O’Neil comments, “Hot weather has unequal impacts, and seniors, very young children, outdoor workers, people without access to air conditioning, and those with chronic illnesses are among the most vulnerable.” Everyone needs to take frequent breaks out of the heat, drink plenty of water and wear light-colored, lightweight, loose-fitting clothing.
On June 28th, NBC news reported a new OSHA pilot-study in Alabama for the prevention of heat-related illness with arm bands that measure core temperature. At-risk workers at Black Warrior Brewing Company in Tuscaloosa participated in the study. Many load kegs and pallets onto trucks in the scorching Alabama summer heat. Workers take a break when their core temperature reach 100 degrees.
Millions of people in the U.S. are exposed to heat at work. Some indoor industries where workers have suffered heat-related illness are kitchens, bakeries, steel mills and warehouses. At-risk outdoor industries include farming, construction and landscaping. A disproportionate number of these jobs are held by people of color.
Listen to the full report below:
Contact: Dick Needleman, Health reporter, 103.3 AshevilleFM, healthyasheville@ashevillefm.org