Gabriel Kuhn speaks about the recent “From Hash Rebels to Urban Guerrillas: A Documentary History of the 2nd of June Movement” (PM / Kersplebedeb) about the West German group active in the 1970s
Updates on the Ampelokipoi case in Athens, repression and antirepression in Greece with a member of Tameio
A recent interview with Michelle Pitcher of the Texas Observer about living conditions and forced labor in the TDCJ, the Texas prison system
An anonymized chat with a longtime anarchist on lessons learned trying to be free while being targeted by state repression
A recording of Andrew Zonneveld from the 2024 Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair talking about his book All Will Be Equalized!: Georgia’s Freedom Seekers of the Swamps, Backwoods, and Sea Islands 1526-1890 alongside his friend Modibo Kadalie.
An interview with two libertarian communists with connections to Syria and editor contributors to the blog