News team correspondent, Andrew Rainey, speaks with Durham-based activist, performance artist and Kinship Minister for Soulforce, Grace Nichols, about their social media response to COVID-19- examining some of the economic and social impacts on vulnerable communities, as well as a look at creative, community-centered resources like mutual aid and manners of social connection amidst ‘physical distancing.’
Resources cited in Interview:
Demands from Grassroots orgs during coronavirus:
Half Assed Disabled Prepper Tips for Preparing for a Coronavirus Quarantine
March 9, 2020, edited March 10, 2020
By Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha
Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid
By Rebel Sidney Black
Quarantine’s have also caused a spike in domestic violence: Domestic Violence resources
CNN Podcast – Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction (especially good commentary on ‘emotional contagion’ and not spreading panic inducing information)
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
Soulforce’s website: where viewers can join the mailing list and follow on social media for upcoming offerings on spiritual resiliency and grounding.
Photo per “Mask Magazine”