Buncombe County COVID-19 Community Update:
COVID-19 Infection Rate Reach Record High
Contact: Dick Needleman, Health reporter, 103.3 AshevilleFM, rlneedleman@yahoo.com
ASHEVILLE, NC – On January 18, the Department of Health and Human Services and Public Health Director Stacie Saunders posted the weekly Buncombe County COVID-19 Community Update. Saunders said that “Omicron is certainly showing us its power to infect our community and communities across the U.S.”
- There is an increase in the COVID-19 case rate, hospitalizations and ICU admissions this week. The case rate is up by 26%. Last week it was up by 40%.
Percent positivity is rising to 22.9%, well above the 5% level, indicative of a high transmission rate.
Most new cases are between the ages 25-49; children ages 0-17 have the second largest number of new cases.
Unvaccinated people represent 77% of hospitalizations and 87% of ICU admissions due to COVID-19 in North Carolina.
The Department of Health and Human Services recommends:
- Get vaccinated and boosters when eligible
Get tested if exposed to someone with COVID-19 or have symptoms
Stay at home if you are not feeling well, even with a negative Covid test
Wear a mask when in public indoor spaces
Vaccination sites, testing sites, and home testing kits can be located through the Department of Health and Human Services. A new federal government policy allows every home in the U.S. to order 4 free at-home Covid tests. To make a request, go to www.Covidtests.gov.
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