Joyful Noise Community Announcements, August 22 2022
- The South French Free Fridge is located at 382 South French Broad Avenue. The Free Fridge includes a dry goods section for non-perishable food and hygiene products, as well as a refrigerator. Community members are invited to take or leave what they like. To find out more or volunteer to help keep the fridge clean, email south french free fridge @
- Courtesy of Our lone item this week is an initiative on this week’s Asheville City Council agenda (Tuesday, August 23rd at 5 pm), an affordable housing proposal that we lifted up last week when it was due for discussion at the Housing and Community Development Committee. All of this project’s units will be offered at 60% of Area Median Income or below, and there is a special provision to offer units to young people who are aging out of foster care. We appreciate the leadership taken by Council Member Antanette Mosley in advancing this proposal, and were glad to see Vice-Mayor Sheneika Smith join her in voting for this initiative to be moved forward. Now, we invite you to join us in urging all of City Council to approve it. To share a message with all City Council members, email
- Be kind.
- Know some youth who wanna learn about broadcasting and producing?? Get them on the radio! Asheville FM has a Youth Radio Program called The New Wave, designed by and for teens. Every week, our youth hosts create a program that includes community news, information about careers, cultural reporting, and commentary created entirely by and for Asheville-area youth. The New Wave will train new hosts and producers on broadcast, recording, DJ and interviewing skills. If you or a teen ages 12-19 you know wants to get involved, email the new wave at asheville fm dot org. The New Wave airs Sundays at 10 a.m.