It’s planting time! Let’s plant some blues flowers together this Thursday from 12-2pm on Soul of the Blues at AshevilleFM! Listen live at 103.3fm or stream it live and listen anytime for two weeks after it airs at! The Bluehound’s got some good new releases to share with a nod to 50’s big band blues by The Love Light Orchestra, Atlanta’s Tinsley Ellis and Texas guitar slinger Micki Free! Got some sweet older blues to share by Lucky Peterson, James Cotton and yes–Willie Nelson! The Notcho’ Blues Artist this week is a new album by Nashville treasure, Dana Cooper! Also, joining me in the studio are Asheville’s #1 blues duo, Roots and Dore, who’ll be opening for Tinsley Ellis this Friday at The Grey Eagle! Join the Blueshound this week for two hours of mind hammering, butt stammering blues! You won’t wanna miss it!
Soul of the Blues