By: Kevin Eddings
For the past few years, the Trump Administration has targeted marginalized communities with comments on the legitimacy of their citizenship. Prominent examples are former President Obama and former Vice President Harris. Since starting his second term in January, Trump and his administration have tried to undo birthright citizenship, and they have accused DEI legislation for not being in the country’s best interest.
Asheville FM News Hour correspondent, K.P. Whaley, attended a protest downtown in Pack Square, against the possible deportation of immigrants within the current Trump Administration. On the February 12th. edition of the Asheville FM News Hour, religion and community were two of the many things highlighted within the issue of immigration.
Corn, a granddaughter to two immigrant grandfathers, was one of the many protesters in Pack Square expressing why this protest is important. “I am making sure we are fighting for a better America as a whole,” Corn said. “This isn’t only for Latinos. This is for everybody. Our country needs help.”
Over 300 people showed up for the protest, from all walks of life. Corn shared that it is very important to see the intersection of people who come to support. “It’s important because it is what makes up this country. We got to fight for our country. We gotta make sure we get what we need. We are all humans first, we are not robots or just things you can throw to the side.”
When asked what she would say to critics who say that protests are fruitless, Corn had this to say.
“This is how this country was built,” Corn said. “[Protest] is how we always fought people.”
Corn shared what the future of these protests will look like and what people might need to know. “Hopefully we will be trying to do more protests, especially on Saturday mornings, but the thing is you don’t need a protest to protest. You can come out here any day of the week and hold up a sign that has some meaning to it and that’s enough.”
Reverend Sara Wilcox was one of the many protestors attending the rally. Wilcox is co-founder of Land of the Sky United Church of Christ, part of whose mission is to serve as a member of Faith for Justice, committed to provoking justice for black- and brown-bodied people.
“I’m here because youth were coming here today and we don’t trust the adults in the community to keep safe spaces for our kids at this point,” Wilcox said. There are many adults who feel their policies are worth jeopardizing the safety of kids, and that’s something that we are very much against. Our government fails to make new policies that make immigration accessible and possible for folks, and that’s why people end up undocumented.”
Whaley asked Wilcox how she feels about Trump and his administration using Christianity to back their agenda.
“Many of Trump’s policies are actually deeply antithetical to the ways of Christ,” Wilcox said. “It’s an interesting thing to see the Christian right get in bed with someone who’s deeply engaged in policies and politics that seem to be about getting wealthier and taking land from people. It’s harming people, it’s completely out of realm from the ways of Jesus. And it’s not uncommon, that’s how it always happens. Constantine was the first one to get in the way and co-opt the church. And so, empire always collapses the church. It’s idolatrous.”
Listen to the full interview here:
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