This week, Bursts spoke with Nora Samaran, author of the essay “The Opposite Of Rape Culture Is Nurturance Culture”, which became the seed of her book “Turn This World Inside Out: The Emergence of Nurturance Culture.” This book is recently out from AK Press. We talk about harm, entitlement as relates to positions of power like masculinity or whiteness in our cultures, the need for connection engrained into our biology and sociality, accountability and healing among other topics.
First, Bursts interviewed Mark and anonymous, members of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, which coordinates civil structure engagement among internationals in North Eastern Syria in the Rojava Revolution as well as helping to spread. Next William had the chance to speak with Smogelgem, who is a hereditary Chief of the Likhts’amisyu clan of the Wet’suwet’en people.
This week we feature three segments. First, we hear from Janine, Janet and Eddie Africa of the Move9 (released this year after more than 40 behind bars) about their brother Delbert Orr Africa’s fight to communicate while in a medical emergency in prison. Then, tree sitters at Yellow Finch against the Mountain Valley PIpeline talk about the blockade. Finally, organizers with Pansy Fest and Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair in Asheville talk about their organizing.
On this episode of The Final Straw, we spoke with Ahkok who identifies as a humanitarian, antifascist and musician who grew up in Hong Kong and has participated in protests over the years including the Umbrella Movement and current protests today. We talk about the mindset of the Hong Kong protests, the situation in China, decolonization, racism and more.
This week, we feature two segments on the episode. First, a brief chat with Duncan of Perilous Chronicle, a site documenting prisoner resistance since from 2010 til today in the so-called U.S. & Canada. Then, we spoke with Kanahus Freedom, from the Secwepemc and Ktunaxa nations, who is involved in the Tiny House Warriors struggle against the Trans Mountain Pipeline threatening the sovereignty and health of unceded Secwepemc land.
Two chats this week. First, Bruno from CIMA-WNC talks about resisting ICE raids and organizing where we are. Then we share an interview that William did a few weeks ago with two members of the Indigenous Anarchist Federation, Bombshell and insurgent e about their histories as anarchist people, about the formation of this Federation, what true decolonization of anarchism could look like, and about the upcoming Indigenous Anarchist Convergence which is happening from August 16th-18th in Kinlani, Navajo/Dine land, occupied Flagstaff AZ, plus many other topics!