Listening to music with friends. A weekly mix-tape of songs often neglected but “not to be missed” as recommended by guests who take time to “riff” about their love of music. -While this mission statement is still true in essence, as of April 2015 the show has evolved into THE forum for all things Carolina Rock ‘n’ Roll, with emphasis on regional garage rock bands from the 1960s. The show has taken on a number of close friends, supporters and regular contributors such as noted NC record collector and curator Ken Friedman of the great Tobacco-A-Go-Go compilations, Asheville historian and vinyl archivist Rick Russell who has become a permanent guest and co-host with his “box of tricks” giving us the welcome opportunity to play straight to the airwaves from his amazing collection of rare original 45 records. Daniel Coston, who has written the book on NC ’60s rock is a willing collaborator and partner in crime. The list goes on… including dozens of original artists who have made appearances, over the phone AND in person. The standing invitation is open… if you like what you hear and have song/artist requests/suggestions or would like to appear on the show, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH with your host: vancepollock at hotmail dot com. Stay Tuned!
Ritmo Kultural
RitmoKultural es un programa de radio en español y para todo tipo de oyentes. Que trata de preservar, compartir y promover ritmos del mundo con un enfoque en las Americas, ritmos que no tienen difusión en las radios comerciales.
Round the Bend
Run That Back
Run That Back is an indie sports talk show with a mix of comedy and music. Sports news of the day, week, or year will be discussed to within an inch of its laugh. Correspondents from across the region and around the world will join us to talk about their favorite teams, special sports events, and personal histories. Mostly, we will find guidance from the words of that great sports philosopher Rasheed Wallace: “Both teams played hard.”
Running a Temperature Revival
In Love With Lo-Fi Scum.
Sundays 2:-4:pm.
Scores for You and Yours
Scores For You and Yours is a show featuring songs from movies that you love, movies that you hate, and movies that you’ve never even heard of. It is a cinematic blend of film scores and beyond that will help make your afternoon a lot more exciting.