This week, we spoke with Elyse Max, State Director of Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty about the life of Ernest Johnson, the media and court situation he faced, his twice overturned death penalty, the links between the lynching of Black people in the US and the current death penalty, intersections of race and class in who are the victims of capital cases and who sit on death rows, the mishandling of Ernests intellectual disability in the case and other topics.
This week on the show, you’ll hear our conversation with Mwalimu Shakur (also known as Terrence White), a politicized, New Afrikan revolutionary prison organizer incarcerated at Corcoran prison in California.
This week, we spoke with local journalist, activist, abolitionist and anarchist, Ursula Wren of the AvlFree.Press about Asheville’s “crisis in policing”, a brief blooper roll of Asheville police foibles over the last decade, homeless camp evictions, prior and current efforts to restructure public safety, the reactionary business effort to bolster the police with blue ribbons of support, housing issues and other fare.
This week, we air a conversation between Scott and anarchist, author and organizer Cindy Milstein. The conversation is framed around the most recent compilation that Milstein has edited and contributed to, “There Is Nothing So Whole As A Broken Heart: Mending The World As Jewish Anarchists” (AK Press, 2021).
Scott Branson’s interview with Eric Laursen, author of “The Operating System: An Anarchist Theory of the Modern State” (AK Press, 2021) on power, the State, autonomy and organizing.
A June 11 conversation with anarchists who do support for prisoners from the Fergusson Uprising of 2014, an activist from Atlanta doing jail support and bail fund work, former anarchist prisoner and hactivist Jeremy Hammond on his experience of organizing in prison and his brother Jason on working in Chicago with the Community Bond Fund. This June 11 we talk about long term anarchist prisoners, anti-repression work from the 2020 uprising and beyond.